Skilllab Wins the Google AI Impact Challenge

Google announced today that Skilllab B.V. is one of 20 organizations that will share $25 million in grants from, credit and consulting from Google Cloud and coaching by Google’s AI experts as a grantee of the Google AI Impact Challenge.

The Google AI Impact Challenge was an open call to nonprofits, social enterprises, and research institutions from around the world to submit their ideas to use AI to help address societal challenges. Over 2600 organizations applied.

Skilllab B.V. will receive a grant to further develop its AI based technology that allows to assess refugees’ skills and competences more rapidly and linking the skillset to occupation profiles. Therewith Skilllab’s technology enables public employment services to effectively place refugees in the labor- and training market.  

Next week, a team from Skilllab will travel to San Francisco to dive into execution. For five days, all 20 organizations will join Google AI experts, Project Managers and the startup specialists from Google’s Launchpad Accelerator for a program that will last six months, from May to November 2019.

Through the Launchpad program, each of the 20 grantees will develop their own OKRs— Objectives and Key Results and set timelines for project completion. Each organization will be paired a Google expert who will meet with them regularly for coaching sessions, and will also have access to other Google resources and expert mentorship.

Being elected as a grantee by Google and enjoying access to resources and mentorship is a fantastic opportunity for Skilllab. We are looking forward to the experience and to be part of such a dedicated cohort of organisations, which are driven to promote social change through technology
Ulrich Scharf - Managing Director, Skilllab
We received thousands of applications to the Google AI Impact Challenge and are excited that Skilllab was selected to receive funding and expertise from Google. AI is at a nascent stage when it comes to the value it can have for the social impact sector, and we look forward to seeing the outcomes of this work and considering where there is potential for use to do even more.
Jacquelline Fuller - President,

About Skilllab: Skilllab B.V. is a social venture developing technology-based solutions to empower employment services to better integrate refugees into local labour markets. With Skilllab’s skill assessment mobile app, refugees identify and document their professional skills fast and in their native languages and explore professional career pathways they could pursue in the labour market.

About, Google’s philanthropy, supports nonprofits that address humanitarian issues worldwide and apply radical, data-driven innovation to solving the world’s biggest challenges.