Success Stories: Meet Bilqis from Nigeria

Bilqis Mumuni is a 30-year-old from Lagos, Nigeria. She studies Computer Science at Yaba College of Technology, where she obtained her OND (Ordinary National Diploma). Currently, she works as a Sales Promoter but aspires to be a Virtual Assistant, which she is working towards through training and her recently concluded internship with WAVE Academy.

Bilqis, user from WAVE Academy

When Bilqis heard about SkillLab, her main expectations were towards helping her with the creation of a CV. Though this expectation was met, Bilqis says that her experience with the app went even further, describing it as "eye-opening" by helping her to transmit confidence in her skills to her future employers.

For example, she said, my work experience as a Computer Operator could mean something else for a potential employer if my skills are not well detailed thereby misleading.

My experience with SkillLab was eye opening as it helps me to detail my skills to future employers and to have a stronger CV for job applications

Bilqis shared that she already got an interview invite after applying with her new CV and is looking forward to soon becoming a Virtual Assistant.

To read more about the experience of our partner WAVE with our tool, go to our case study collection.